Earl N. Meyer chembits.com logoReading Notes for Chapter 14

These are Dr. Bodwin's reading notes for Chapter 14 of "Basics of General, Organic, and Biochemistry" from libretexts.org.

Chapter Summary:

Although carbon has a very rich chemistry all by itself, the massive variety of chemical reactions that involve carbon increases exponentially when elements other than carbon and hydrogen are used in the molecules. Because oxygen is vital to life on earth, it is natural that oxygen atoms are incorporated into a variety of organic chemical structures. The presence of oxygen in these molecules leads to subtle changes in structure and reactivity.

Functional Groups:

The basis for all organic compounds is the alkanes. Anything other than single bonds, carbons, and hydrogens are referred to as "functional groups". An organic molecule can have a single functional group, or multiple functional groups; when organic compounds are named systematically, the type and positions of all functional groups can be unambiguously determined.


An "-OH" functional group without any other functional groups on the same carbon defines an alcohol. Although alcohols are often described as have a "hydroxyl" group, these are very different than ionic hydroxide compounds such as the strong base sodium hydroxide, NaOH. Hydroxyl groups increase the polarity of an organic compound which generally increases the water solubility and melting/boiling points of alcohols compared to their alkane parent compound.

Nomenclature & Classification of Alcohols:

When naming alcohols, replace the final "e" in the name of the alkane with "ol". Methane becomes methanol, ethane becomes ethanol. For longest-continuous-chain alcohols longer than ethanol, the position of the "-OH" group should be designated with a number. Number the chain such that the position of the "-OH" has the lowest possible number; for example, "2-butanol" would be the correct name for a 4-carbon alcohol with the -OH on the second carbon. "3-butanol" is not a correct name because the chain is numbered starting at the wrong end of the longest continuous chain.

For alcohols with more than one -OH group, numerical prefixes corresponding to the number of alcohol functional groups are used ("-diol", "-triol", etc).

Alcohols can also be classified by the number of carbon atoms connected to the carbon atom bearing the -OH. A "primary" alcohol has only 1 carbon attached to the -OH bearing carbon (ethanol, 1-pentanol). A "secondary" alcohol has 2 carbons attached to the -OH bearing carbon (2-propanol, 3-octanol). A "tertiary" alcohol has 3 carbons attached to the -OH bearing carbon (2-methyl-2-propanol, 3-methyl-3-pentanol).

Properties & Reactions of Alcohols:

The polar -OH group of an alcohol can participate in hydrogen bonding, both between alcohol molecules and with water molecules. This hydrogen bonding means that alcohols have stronger intermolecular forces than their parent alkanes, so their melting and boiling points are higher than the parent alkanes. A homologous series of alcohols (methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, etc) also exhibits a systematic trend in their melting and boiling points.

Alcohols can be formed by a variety of reactions. The simplest chemical reaction to form alcohols is the addition of a water molecule across the double bond of an alkene. Alcohols can also be biochemically produced by the fermentation of sugars.

Alcohols can undergo a variety of reactions that modify their functionality. The three most common reactions of alcohols are:

  1. Oxidation - Partial oxidation of alcohols yield aldehydes and ketones. Additional oxidation leads to carboxylic acids. Strong oxidizing agents are used to accomplish these oxidations, and the resulting products have 2 hydrogens removed, one hydrogen from the -OH and another from the adjoining carbon atom.
  2. Dehydration - Dehydration is the elimination of a water molecule during a reaction. Removal of water from a single alcohol molecule yields an alkene. When 2 alcohol molecules combine to lose a single water molecule, the result is an ether.
  3. Esterification - When an alcohol reacts with a carboxylic acid, the most common result is a ester.

Phenols are alcohols where the -OH is attached to an aromatic ring. Because of the unique electronic structure of aromatic rings, phenolic alcohols can behave differently than typical aliphatic (not aromatic) alcohols. Phenols are extremely important functional groups in biological systems.


An ether is a oxygen-containing organic compound with the oxygen connecting 2 carbon atoms. Ethers are very slightly more polar than alkanes of similar total length, but because they are unable to form hydrogen bonds, their melting and boiling points are not significantly higher than the melting and boiling points of alkanes of similar total length. Ethers can accept hydrogen bonds, so they can interact favorably with water or alcohols.

Aldehydes & Ketones:

Organic compounds that contain a carbonyl group (car-bo-NEEL) can be formed by partial oxidation of alcohols. If the carbonyl is at the end of a chain (from oxidation of a primary alcohol), the molecule is called an aldehyde. If the carbonyl is in the middle of a chain (from oxidation of a secondary alcohol), the molecule is called a ketone.

Nomenclature & Reactions of Aldehydes & Ketones:

Aldehydes and ketones are named in a similar manner as alcohols. Starting with the longest continuous carbon chain name, aldehydes are named by replacing the final "e" of the parent alkane name with "-al". The carbon of the aldehyde group is always considered to be carbon number 1 when numbering the carbon chain of an aldehyde. Ketones are named by replacing the final "e" of the parent alkane with "-one". When necessary, the position of the ketone functional group is designated by a number.

Carbonyl groups are quite polar and therefore can be quite reactive. Carbonyl groups are sufficiently polar that aldehydes and ketones can exhibit dipole-dipole interactions strong enough to increase their melting points and boiling points compared to their parent alkane compounds.

Aldehydes are readily oxidized to form carboxylic acids. Because ketones do not have a hydrogen on the carbon atom, ketones are resistant to oxidation.

Sulfur Compounds:

Although this chapter is about oxygen-containing compounds, it is worth mentioning sulfur-containing compounds here as well. Most oxygen-containing organic compounds have sulfur-containing analogs whose names often contain "thio"; for example, a "-SH" group is called a "thiol" and follows the same naming conventions as oxygen-containing alcohols. These sulfur-containing compounds undergo similar reactions to their oxygen containing counterparts, although they can be more or less reactive depending upon conditions.

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All information on this page is produced by Jeffrey Bodwin, Copper Sun Creations, or curated from the attributed source.
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