mascot Earl N. MeyerChemBits
Learning chemistry bit by bit

Welcome to ChemBits! The goal of ChemBits is to present chemistry topics in small "bits" that are relatively easy to digest. Chemistry can be a big and fascinating topic, and it is important to see the commonalities and connections between various topics... this is where ChemBits comes in! Each bit is like an individual LEGO block that can be assembled to make a big and fascinating sculpture that is chemistry.

ChemBits was created by Jeffrey Bodwin, and is used as a repository for information for the chemistry classes he teaches. This means that there are some class-specific pages, but there are also ChemBits that may not be directly tied to a specific course.

Types of Content:
Videos - Dr. Bodwin tries to present most topics with videos, and his goal is for those videos to be 4-8 minutes, with a preference for more, shorter videos. The nature of chemistry is such that there are a lot of little ChemBits that can be explained in short video, but there is also value in some videos being a little longer.
Slides - Some videos are narrated PowerPoint slides. In those cases, the slides are (usually) also posted for reference. In some cases, slides are posted before a specific video is recorded, or the content is such that the slides are (hopefully) sufficient to get the ChemBit across without a narrated video.
Curated Content - There are a LOT of great resources online, and it's not always necessary to re-create something that already exists. Curated content will be linked to the original source whenever possible and attributed appropriately.

Where's the Bits?!?!
Course-Specific Pages
General Course Information and Resources
General Chemistry
General, Organic, & Biochemistry
Analytical Chemistry - Coming soon!

ChemBits Catalog By Topic

All information on this page is produced by Jeffrey Bodwin, Copper Sun Creations, or curated from the attributed source.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.